Hot air welding machines
Belsonic BS HA Digitalized Seamsealer 001
The Seamsealer 001, a state-of-the-art taping machine, has been designed especially for taping. Differential speed from top and bottom rollers, variable speed, electronic nozzle positioning, repeatability, etc. are some of the novelties on the Seamsealer which allow for quality and efficiency.
The Seamsealer can be equipped with a standard pedestal, a quick arm, a side arm or a pedestal for sleeves.
Belsonic BS HA Seamsealer 007
The Seamsealer 007 has been especially designed for taping combining quality and efficiency. The 007 has also a differential and a double nozzle action.
Belsonic BS HA Seamsealer 008
The BelSonic BS HA Seamsealer 008 has been especially designed for taping combining quality and efficiency.
Belsonic Hemming machines
BelSonic BS HA Seamsealer 013
Hot air sealing machine especially designed for tape laydown + trimmer.
The same machine can be used for sewfree overlap or hemming.
The BelSonic BS HA Seamsealer 013 has been especially designed for laying down of adhesive tape and simultaneous trimming of the fabric edge.
Download Factsheet: BS HA Seamsealer 013